
We want to help people as best we can. However, it is still possible that you are not happy or satisfied with our services. In that case, read below about what you can do. 

You have a complaint

First, try to discuss your complaint with the employee in question or their supervisor. Often times, an open conversation can help to resolve the issue. If this is not an option, you can file an official complaint.

Complaint policy

We take every complaint very seriously. We want to know what is going on, so that we can be of better service to you, and so that we can learn from your complaint. 

Here, you can find our full complaint policy.

Unfortunately, the full complaint policy is only available in Dutch right now.

Not satisfied

Are you not satisfied with the solution we provide? In that case, you can send your complaint to an independent Complaint Committee. You can send your complaint through e-mail, or by written letter, to the address provided below. It is important that you mention your name, contact details, and the name of the employee that you want to file a complaint about. 


Klachtencommissie Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling

t.a.v. de ambtelijk secretaris

Postbus 14208

3508 SH Utrecht


What happens to your complaint?

When you file a complaint, it is presented to our company director, in case they are not yet familiar with the complaint. They will investigate the complaint and will try to find a solution that you agree with. If you are satisfied with the solution provided by the company director, the complaint has been handled effectively. If the complaint has already been discussed with the company director, but no satisfactory solution has been put forward, the complaint will be forwarded to the Complaint Committee. The administrative secretary of the Complaint Committee will keep you informed about the proceedings and outcomes. 

Complaint Committee

The Complaint Committee of Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling is made up of three independent members:

  • Mr. D.A.C. Koster, councilor of Amsterdam Court
  • Mr. S.G.H van Krugten, case director at the CJIB/AICE
  • Mrs. J. Benjamins, psychologist