Our core themes are present in every workshop and presentation: victims, offenders, guilt, shame, recovery and restorative mediation.
Workshop or presentation
Organizations that work together with (one of) our target groups, can request a free workshop/presentation for their staff. Our trained mediators are happy to talk about their work experience and the importance of restorative mediation.
Interactive presentations
For conventions, seminars, and meetings we can arrange (interactive) presentations, tailored to familiarize larger groups of people with our work themes in a short amount of time.
For offenders/victims
We also give presentations/workshops to victims and offenders/suspects, such as groups of victims of the same crime or groups of convicts.
We’re happy to discuss your wishes: please contact our communication advisor.
Phone: +31 30 234 00 45
Perspectief offers brochures in several different languages, in which we explain our working method and what we can offer to participants. The brochures can be downloaded through the links provided below. They can be freely shared by email, on websites or intranet. It is also possible to order them for free by emailing communicatie@perspectiefherstelbemiddeling.nl. Mention in your email which brochure you would like to order, the desired amount, and the shipping address. Note: at this moment not all brochures are available on paper.
Brochures in Dutch can be found on the Dutch version of this webpage. Switch the language of our website by clicking 'nl' at the top right of this page.

English brochures
We offer three brochures in English.
Restorative mediation (for participants in general)
Information for victims of a crime
Information for offenders/perpetrators of a crime
German brochures
We offer two brochures in German.
- Täter-Opfer Ausgleich (informationen für Opfer einer Straftat)
- Wie geht es weiter nach einem Verkehrsunfall
French brochure
- Médiation entre victime et délinquant (information destinées aux victimes d'un delit)
Spanish brochure
Polish brochure

Tips for professionals - victims
This poster lists some of the signals for victims that can indicate they might benefit from restorative mediation.

Tips for professionals - offenders
This poster lists some of the signals for offenders that can indicate they might benefit from restorative mediation.