Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling is a not-for-profit foundation, financed by the Ministry of Justice and Safety. We employ 24 professional mediators that work all over the Netherlands. We have a national head office in Utrecht, where the director, staff of the registration point, and a small number of other staff work.
Board of Directors
As the main decision-making body, the Board of Directors is responsible for the general state of affairs at Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling. The board decides about the vision and strategy of the organization, and manages the director. Rosa Jansen is the President of the Board of Directors, Edward van der Kruijk is a member of the Board of Directors since January 1 2022.
R.H.M. Jansen MPA LLM (Rosa) President Board of Directors

drs. E.M. van der Kruijk MBA (Edward) Member Board of Directors

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board monitors the plans and budget of the Board of Directors. They also monitor whether the plans are actually realized within the budget. This Board has five members.
Moving on after a crime or traumatic event: contact with the other person can help.
A crime, traffic accident or sexual abuse can have a severe (emotional) impact on those who were involved in it. We organize, facilitate, and guide contact between those who were involved in such an event, so that they can take a step towards and take control of their personal recovery.
The people involved could be victims, relatives of the deceased, suspects, offenders, and causers of an accident, but also relatives and witnesses. The wants and wishes of the people involved are always central during the mediation process. Our professional mediator explores the possibilities of what the contact can offer with each person separately.
Perspectief brings people in contact with each other because we are convinced that people can contribute to their own recovery, and the recovery of the other person. This is why we call it restorative mediation. From our experience, we know that recovery is a process, and every phase of restorative mediation contributes to this process. Voluntary participation and confidentiality are important conditions for this.
Restorative mediation doesn’t just help the participants. Society and the people around them also benefit from it. We closely cooperate with other organizations that are also in contact with people who were involved in a crime or other traumatic event. To promote recovery and recovery-oriented strategies, we also organize workshops and presentations.
Perspective for the future: restorative mediation on everyone's radar.
Everyone knows Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling, knows what we do, and how we can help them. We connect with and adapt to the needs of society and the participants. We work together with our partners and are experts in restorative justice and restorative mediation. Voluntary participation, impartiality and confidentiality are our core principles.
The participants are always central in mediations by Perspectief. They can apply by themselves or through a referrer. We support the interests of both parties. They have ownership of their own mediation process: their (individual) wants and needs regarding the shape, timing and content of the mediation are crucial. Under the guidance of the mediator, they make agreements about what information can be shared with others. This ownership also makes the participants co-responsible for the good progression of the mediation. Among other factors, this means the willingness to listen to the perspective of the other person. Our mediator explores the possibilities with the participants, and carefully guides the mediation process. No person is the same, every process is unique. As long as participants are well-informed, they can make the right choices at a time that is right for them.
For professionals, we are a trustworthy, dependable partner, that they can refer their clients to with confidence and peace of mind. They make use of our years of experience and know how to find us for advice and discussions.