For everyone

Diversity and inclusion

It is important to Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling that everyone can easily find us, and feels welcome to ask questions or apply for restorative mediation. We realize that it is important to pay attention to diversity among the people who participate in restorative mediation. Cultural differences can be very significant, for example when it comes to taboos, shame, cultural habits and different ways of communicating. 

It is important to Perspectief that everyone feels respected with us when it comes to gender, skin color, sexual orientation, age, religion, and background. Sometimes one of these aspects played a role in the event for which someone applied for restorative mediation with us (such as discrimination). In these situations, our mediators take this into consideration, and treat it with care and confidentiality.

Our mediators are regularly educated and trained on the topic of cultural diversity and sensitivity. They always do their best to adapt their communication and the content of the mediation to the wants and needs of the participants. During the intake, these aspects can be discussed in detail with the mediator. 

Language barrier

A language barrier can also be a concern. Our mediators can do mediations in English, or a professional interpreter can be present during the meetings to translate if a participant needs this. We will arrange this, and this doesn’t cost any money for the participants. Our website is available in Dutch and English. Click ‘en’ or ‘nl’ at the top right to switch the language. On the page ‘Workshops, Presentations and Brochures’ you can find informative brochures in English, German, French, Spanish and Polish. 


Perspectief wants to reflect the diversity of society among its own staff. We believe that more diversity and an inclusive company culture in which people feel connected, can stimulate new ideas, more flexibility, and better services. Because of this, we are looking for a good mix of knowledge, experience, age, gender and background. This is a process of learning and developing. We know we’re not there yet, but we are actively working on a more diverse and inclusive work environment.


Please let us know if you have any remarks or questions about the inclusivity of our services. You can contact us by phone (+31 30 234 00 45), email (, or through the contact form on our website.