On this page you’ll find answers to questions people frequently ask about restorative mediation.
Questions about application and participation
- Is restorative mediation possible after all crimes?
- Is restorative mediation only for victims and offenders?
- I received a letter from Perspectief, what now?
- I want to apply, but there hasn't been a court hearing yet. Does this matter?
- If I apply, is it then mandatory to go through with the mediation?
- Which aid workers or professionals can apply for me?
- I received a letter from Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling to get in contact with the offender. How do you know what their intentions are?
- Do I have to pay to participate?
- Do you have a waiting list?
- My offender/victim is unknown or deceased, what are my options?
- I have a dispute with my neighbors, can I apply for restorative mediation?
- I am in prison, what are my options?
- I’m a victim of sexual abuse and want to talk about this with my relatives, is this possible?
- I don't speak Dutch, what are my options?
Questions about our working method
- How does Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling obtain the contact details of the other person?
- What happens if the other person does not respond or declines the request for restorative mediation?
- How is the mediation paid for?
- Can I bring someone to the meeting?
- What happens after my application? Will the other person be contacted right away?
- Can I also send a letter to the victim by myself?
- What if the other person doesn’t want restorative mediation?
Is your question not included in this FAQ section? Please contact us with your question.
Experiences of participants
“That fearful look in her eyes haunted me for a long time.”
The girl that suddenly crossed the road on her bike looked Henk straight in the eyes at the last moment. Then his truck hit her. “That fearful look in her eyes. It haunted me for a long time. That’s why I started searching.”
Daisy: “I really wanted to know how the driver was doing.”
Two weeks after his 15-year-old daughter was hit by a truck, Francel wanted to get in contact with the driver. “I heard he was on sick leave. I proposed to meet with him, we would both feel better after that.”
A conversation with the store robber after 25 years: “What have I got to lose?”
The store robbery that Belinda experienced has had a great impact on her life ever since. It even led to physical issues. Now that she has had a conversation with the perpetrator, her life has changed a lot. “I’m very happy I did it. A lot of fear got lifted from my shoulders.”