Experiences of participants

The way in which restorative mediation can help is different for everyone. Often times the mediation can help participants to process the event and move on from it. Here, you can read about their experiences. 

  • foto Esther dit is niet Esther
    “It offered me a lot, especially peace and clarity.”

    Esther* (49) experienced sexually transgressive behavior when she was a student. She tucked the experience away and hid from it, but the memory of that night recently resurfaced. She decided she needed to do something about it, and applied at Perspectief to get in contact and talk with the other person about what happened.

  • Sonja zocht na 19 jaar contact met de man die haar verkrachtte
    Sonja: “I’m okay with him.”

    Sonja got in contact with the man who raped her almost 20 years ago. “I feel more calm,” she says. “I can run into him in the street now.”

  • Sarah slachtoffer seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag
    “As a child, I couldn’t stand up for myself, and now I can.”

    For a time during high school, Sarah* (25) was tutored almost weekly. She realises now that the transgressive behaviour that the man, a family friend, showed towards her, was not okay. “I wanted to let him know how it had affected me, and how it still affects me.” 

  • Eva reed een fietser aan
    “Meeting her sister was an important part of my closure.”

    On Christmas Eve of 2020, Eva (25) hit a cyclist with her car. The woman on the bike wasn’t paying attention; it wasn’t Eva’s fault. The woman died. The victim’s sister wanted to talk to Eva afterwards, to let her know she was not to blame. 

  • jordi bij radio 1
    Jordi: “I turned from criminal to human again”

    “Being a perpetrator doesn’t mean that person is completely evil. That’s true for me as well. I regret the robberies that I committed. I wanted to get in contact with the victims to tell them how I ended up in the criminal circuit.” Jordi (27) talks about his experience with restorative mediation.