Sonja got in contact with the man who raped her almost 20 years ago. “I feel more calm,” she says. “I can run into him in the street now.”

In her childhood, Hannah was sexually abused by her father. Recently, she talked to her mother and father with the help of a mediator. 'I got sincere recognition from my father. I could calmly explain to him how the abuse had affected me.'

Feline (31) fell victim to sexual assault when she was sixteen years old. After years of therapy, she wanted to let the perpetrator know what kind of impact this had had on her life. “Eventually, I dared to look the perpetrator in the eyes, and I read a letter to him. Such a release.”

Twelve years after athlete Ilonka was raped by her trainer, she met up with him again. A mediator from Perspectief Herstelbemiddeling guided the meeting. “The roles were reversed now. I was able to tell my story, I was in control, and that was a good thing for me.”

For a time during high school, Sarah* (25) was tutored almost weekly. She realises now that the transgressive behaviour that the man, a family friend, showed towards her, was not okay. “I wanted to let him know how it had affected me, and how it still affects me.”

E. was sexually abused as a child by a family friend. 35 years later, he meets with him. “I’m here to get closure.”

Sandra is the victim of sexual violence and wants to ask questions to the perpetrator. During the mediation she first chose an exchange of letters. After that, a meeting took place under the guidance of a mediator.