Experiences of participants

The way in which restorative mediation can help is different for everyone. Often times the mediation can help participants to process the event and move on from it. Here, you can read about their experiences. 

  • Bemiddeling na medisch incident
    Merel had a serious complication

    Merel had a surgery for an infection of her gallbladder. The surgery had a serious complication when her stomach was punctured. She kept having health issues for a long time after, and was very dissatisfied about the information she received from the hospital. Through restorative mediation with her doctor, she was able to get answers.

  • Ervaring na medisch incident arts
    “The incident affected me too”

    Simone has been working as a surgeon for years, and felt really bad about Merel’s complication. The mediation offered the opportunity to openly explain what had happened, to answer questions, and to show Merel that it had affected her too.